Writing update

I've finished Flip Side of Sin (Book 3 in the Sinners and Saints series) and completed the first read. It's now in the loving hands of my crit-partners. 

 As a follow-up to an earlier post, I have decided to go the Indie route with this book. I've hired an editor and spoken to my old cover artist about getting the cover done. I'm hoping to have the book edited and ready for release within the next three months, but I'll admit my extreme naivete when it comes to these things. I'm relying mostly on the advice of fellow author friends who have already walked this path and can show me the way. 
Having finished this particular manuscript puts me in one of those glorious places where I have no WIPs on my shelf. This doesn't mean I'm taking a break -- it took me half a year to get my mojo back, thank you very much -- but it does give me some options in how to go forward. I have three new story ideas, the urban fantasy idea I've been kicking around for a year, and (of course) Book 4. I'll likely start S&S Book 4 relatively soon, but I also need a small break from the Sinners and Saints world. Maybe a month before I start worrying with it too much. 
I think the time has come to start juggling again.