Mid-Year Review (Alternative Title: Close Enough)

It occurred to me, as I was trying to fall asleep last night, that my 2016 goals are going to almost completely mirror my 2015 goals.

That’s not to say I didn’t get a lot done this year. Quite the contrary, I’ve gotten more written in 2015 on a consistent basis than I have in several of the years prior. Firstshit a new book shelf with its audio release. I rewrote Forbidden Fruit—and likely lost its original audience in the process, since it’s now an actual contemporary erotic romance rather than just an erotica quick-fix. I’ve expanded quite a bit of Ripples Through Time, which will be coming to you as Echoes sometime in 2016. I edited Blackout (formerly Elevated Exposure) and have it available for preorder. Sins of Yesterday, the fourth in the Sinners & Saints series was released, and I’ve already made a dent—a small dent, but a dent nonetheless—in the next book. I have further plans for revising and re-releasing Insatiable Need, Insatiable Craving, and A Friend in Need, all under different titles. And there are two contemporary works in progress on my plate at the moment—one in outline and first chapter form, and the other still in my head.

Currently, I’m around 35k into a brand-new title (Hellion) that will be wrapping up this month, and releasing likely toward the end of the year. If you enjoyed Firsts, it’s somewhat of a Firsts meets Good Omens.

So all in all? A good showing for 2015...even if this doesn't even really flirt with meeting my goals.



I know what you're thinking. "2015 isn't over, Rosalie!"/"You can do it, Rosalie!"/"Quit talking to yourself, Rosalie!" And you're right...it is a bit early to formally admit defeat on my ambitious 2015 plans. I do intend to have Hellion finished by the end of the month, and that’s not a pie-in-the-sky goal. It’s very achievable. In September, I’ll begin tackling Book 5 in the Sinners & Saints series with gusto, while also tinkering with revisions for future re-releases. And 2016 should be much more forgiving in its time management.

Perhaps that itself is the greatest writing achievement of 2015. I’ve been proactive in trying to reclaim writing time. Some of my decisions won’t take effect until next year, but actively pursuing them was half the battle. This involved admitting I couldn’t actually do everything I said I would do, or wanted to do…which, when you factor in that my mother is staring down 60 without having learned this lesson or practically applied it, I’ll consider myself ahead of the game.

In the meantime, it does feel incredibly good to be writing again…consistently. And without distraction.